Let's go slowly, discouraged, We'll burn the pictures instead
(Something about Lisztomania makes me fall in love with it everytime, either that or I won't EVER grow sick of it. At least I haven't, even after so many months.)
(Something about Lisztomania makes me fall in love with it everytime, either that or I won't EVER grow sick of it. At least I haven't, even after so many months.)
Sarah, Hafiz and I moved from cityhall starbucks to esplanade library to marina square subway today. Subway is still the best (Y) GP was fine, econs and geog tomorrow.. talk about screwed.
I've got a crazy idea, and I'm gonna do that for econs tomorrow. As for geography, I've still got lots more to go so I might want to survive on Red bull tomorrow. MIGHT.

Sarah and I were day dreaming about freedom just now, can't wait to take a day off and walk around till I drop before I start on my studies all over again, for real. The idea of walking into any cafe in heels/booties, clad in a bodycon dress/skirt, patterned leggings and long hair makes me feel kinda grown up.
In a very superficial manner, of course.
Dark brown hair, navy blue clothes paired with brown leather belts/shoes/accessories, scarves, skinnies, knits and booties seem to appeal to me very much.
Oh and how I wish there's winter in Singapore. I wish I stayed in England, I love many things about England.
Everybody thinks I can't stop talking, that I'll never grow up and I'm spastic. Oh, and I throw friendly insults when I've got nothing to say, is that being cynical?
Has anybody seen another side of me besides the childish, noisy, "smiley" and friendly side?! I'd rather be the opposite.
& How many times have I walked across the citilink mall? I know the place inside out. The fact that our brain choses to remember all the itty bitty details amazes me, though it doesn't excite. Nothing ever does anymore, nothing's ever going to be the same.
The long flight of stairs leading to Marina Square reminded me of a million things too, but I just can't bring myself to bother. Because I don't know how to. and because I don't know if I'm the only one bothering. In the first place, should I even?
I've got a crazy idea, and I'm gonna do that for econs tomorrow. As for geography, I've still got lots more to go so I might want to survive on Red bull tomorrow. MIGHT.

Sarah and I were day dreaming about freedom just now, can't wait to take a day off and walk around till I drop before I start on my studies all over again, for real. The idea of walking into any cafe in heels/booties, clad in a bodycon dress/skirt, patterned leggings and long hair makes me feel kinda grown up.
In a very superficial manner, of course.
Dark brown hair, navy blue clothes paired with brown leather belts/shoes/accessories, scarves, skinnies, knits and booties seem to appeal to me very much.
Oh and how I wish there's winter in Singapore. I wish I stayed in England, I love many things about England.
Everybody thinks I can't stop talking, that I'll never grow up and I'm spastic. Oh, and I throw friendly insults when I've got nothing to say, is that being cynical?
Has anybody seen another side of me besides the childish, noisy, "smiley" and friendly side?! I'd rather be the opposite.
& How many times have I walked across the citilink mall? I know the place inside out. The fact that our brain choses to remember all the itty bitty details amazes me, though it doesn't excite. Nothing ever does anymore, nothing's ever going to be the same.
The long flight of stairs leading to Marina Square reminded me of a million things too, but I just can't bring myself to bother. Because I don't know how to. and because I don't know if I'm the only one bothering. In the first place, should I even?
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